May 27, 2024 – Day 1

Teachers were oriented for the upcoming academic year 2024-25. The Principal’s general introduction was followed by a briefing about the history of our school by the Vice-principal. The curriculum for 2024-25 was discussed by the principal. The Academic Coordinator explained the changes in the teacher’s diary and lesson plan writing.

May 28, 2024 – Day 2

Chitta vrithi nirodhah” – A blissful session of yoga, meditation and pranayama were part of the second day of the Teachers’ Orientation, in order to cleanse the mind, maintain fitness and focus on responsibilities.

May 29, 2024 – Day 3

A session on NEP and 21st Century Skills was conducted, and teachers’ diaries were distributed to the faculty. We also welcomed our new faculty into our family, and got to know each other.